La Balacera

ZUMAIA / 'La noche de los girasoles', thriller rural esta noche en cine forum

ZUMAIA. DV. El cine club Ostarrena presenta esta noche en sesión de cine forum la película española La noche de los girasoles, sorprendente debut como director del joven Jorge Sánchez-Cabezudo, que cuenta entre sus intérpretes con el consagrado Carmelo Gómez, así como con Judith Diakhate y Celso Bugallo. La cinta se exhibira a partir de las 22.15 horas en el cine Aita Mari.

La película comienza con la llegada de un grupo de personas a un pareje rural. Pedro y Esteban son dos espeleólogos que llegan hasta una zona montañosa con el objetivo de estudiar el hallazgo de una cueva y determinar si tiene interés científico. Les acompaña Gabi, la novia de Esteban, que les espera al pie de la montaña. Pero cuando los espeleólogos salen de la cueva, encuentran a Gabi aterrorizada.

Su director define La noche de los girasoles como «una película de cine negro en un entorno rural de montaña pero también es una película de personajes. Mitad thriller, mitad drama, cuenta la peripecia de ocho personajes principales en torno a un hecho dramático que se irá complicando a lo largo de la historia y que irá implicándoles sucesivamente a cada uno de ellos.»

La película estuvo nominada a tres premios Goya, al mejor director novel, al mejor guión original y al mejor actor secundario.

Fuente: Diario Vasco


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Hello and thanks for taking the time to read my post.

First off i did search the forums and was unable to find anything about the specific problem that I am having.

I recently found this site while searching for help with putting anime series onto dvd for viewing in a standalone dvd player, and was pleasantly surprised with the amount of information that I found here.

After a couple hours of lurking the forums and reading what others have posted I purchased ConvertXtoDVD to use along with my copy of Nero to put the anime series that I have onto dvd with some simple menu's since it seems to be one of the most suggested pieces of software on the site.

So far I am been mostly happy with the features and the ease of use that this software provides, but I am having one specific issue.

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The main problem that I am running into is when I actually put the disk into a dvd player, the menu is loading and working correctly, but the issue is when I start an episode I am getting small pauses in the video in the opening on every single episode at the exact same spots. After the opening the video seems to be fine and the pausing stops.

The only thing that I can think that would be causing this is the fact that I am having the thumbnails start about 1min30sec into each episode which is after the opening, so that each episode looks different in the thumbnails, which is also pretty much the exact same spot that the pausing stops on each episode.

I know this is kinda long and am sorry for that, but it is kinda a specific problem and see'ing as there are alot of guru's here I figured this site would be the place to ask.

Thanks again for your time and in advance for your responses.

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